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Showing posts from February, 2009

A Project is Born...

A brief and momentous meeting with a group of residents in Taman Langat Jaya. One of the areas which come under my supervision. The meeting was attended by 6 enthusiastic people. As usual, the lone woman and the rest were men. It was on the front porch of the leader's house, Panir. He has shown lots of patience and relentless perseverance. He is committed to creating CHANGE in his community. After the success of the "Gotong Royong" in January 2009. He has shown renewed vigor to tackle more daunting tasks. Lots to be done in the area. What is special about the place is the people. What are they like? A typical lower income group with the accompanying social problems. Nevertheless, they have character. Interestingly, there is this fledgling dance group made up of dynamic young boys. They have their version of exciting dances. "Silambattam" is one which incorporates a traditional Indian self defence technique with rhythmic movements. Needless to say, I was impresse