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Showing posts from October, 2012

In depth Interviews and being present

How does one conduct an in-depth interview without becoming emotionally moved by the powerful narrative unfolding before him/her? One must be a rock or an automaton to remain unaffected. I am all flesh, unfortunately. I try practicing being present, breathing and channeling love towards my interviewee throughout the process. I hope to make them understand that I am trustworthy and will handle their story with care and love. Yeah, is using love for research purposes a valid academic practice? Enter feminism. It is undeniable that, consciousness raising affects both the interviewer and the interviewee. I can think of three valid scenarios where this can be proven. Acknowledgement of reality Women's lives are real, acknowledging that she lived in a rural community, had children, laboured in a plantation and raised her family is reality, as far as I am concerned. It is also but one experience which contributes to a larger narrative. When she tells her-story, she re-creates her

Well earned holiday!

I am on a much needed holiday! I am exploring Davao and its wonders! I am not far away from work but I just needed to celebrate 50 household interviews in difficult circumstances. I also need the down time to work on my FGDs. I need to develop a kick ass framework that weaves into the workshop and empowerment activities must be suitable for their situation. I also need to give the heads up to both cooperatives on when I intend to carry out the FGDs. I am very certain that it will go well.